
Background articles

Here are some short background articles on topics releveant for the larp. If you are one of the participants it can be a good idea to read through these.

For a brief history about HIV/AIDS in the 1980s we discovered that a very good overview had been published by Avert, an international HIV/AIDS charity:
The History of AIDS up to 1986

This article written by Victor Berhardtz and is about queer America in the 70s and 80s:

From virtual silence to wide-ranging outrage in less than twenty years

The next article by Victor Berhardtz is about young people and cancer:

Young People and Cancer

Here is an article about Alternative America from the 70s into the 80s - new age, swingers clubs and the co-housing movement:

Alternative America 

Articles about the larp

Just a Little Lovin' was played for the first time in July of 2011. It then created some debate in the culture pages of the Swedish newspaper Expressen.
Read our contribution here and a later comment from us here. There you will also find links to the other articles in this debate.

Journalist and radio host Johanna Koljonen recently wrote an article in Fokus about her thoughts about Just a Little Lovin' before playing the larp herself.
Read her article "Lajv på blodigt allvar" here.